
JSA Offers New Program to SoCal Members & Alums

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JSA has partnered with Courageous Leadership to provide an exciting, innovative new program called Courageous Leadership for a Courageous Democracy to students and alums in Southern California. Political commentator Van Jones extends a special invitation to JSA students to participate in the programs.

The program helps students strengthen their skills to have open-minded, open-hearted conversations about critical issues with those who have opposing views. It is expected to be a compliment to the students' strong debate skills and high political awareness and engagement.

The program teaches tools to collaborate in cohorts to help solve civic challenges in local communities. In addition to students working with educators in cohorts, JSA alums are invited to volunteer as alums. The program begins with a training workshop on Tuesday, September 25 at the University of Southern California, Galen Center.

Elements of this training have been conducted at organizations like Google, MIT, the Hewlett Foundation, Pfizer, the Australian Government, and Kaiser Permanente. Learn more here.

Volunteer as a Mentor

Want to volunteer as a mentor? JSA is looking for engaged and committed individuals to work with JSA Southern California students on a civic action project. Mentors will join JSA students at the launch on September 25 for a one-day workshop.

California U.S. Representative Mimi Walters described the program's need like this:

“I’m impressed by your generation's ability to build bridges and bring people together – and Lord knows we could use more of that here in Washington DC – soIi encourage you to participate.” - Rep Mimi Walters


August 01, 2018
